The NEBCO™ Sealing System is designed for optimum service in pumps and valves. Each part of the system can be used individually, in combination or all together to create a complete sealing system. Using each component individually allows the freedom to combine our products with other fluid sealing products and systems.
The Packing: ANTI-KEYSTONE® Ⅱ (AKⅡ®) Technology
NEBCO’s™ AKⅡ® technology naturally creates the maximum shaft conformability and uniformity of density when installed. This unique interlocking braid can help reduce equipment wear, utility costs and water consumption while reducing the possibility of spinning packing rings on startup.
We developed our own anti-extrusion packing line called HYDROPACKING®. This design ensures the maximum amount of the primary sealing yarn is used and reduces the secondary reinforcement yarn to obtain the optimum seal possible.
VIBRADAMP® rubber core packings can extend the packings service life, where vibration or shaft eccentricity is a chronic problem due to equipment age or excessive wear and adverse operating conditions. Different core materials are available depending on your specific sealing needs.
We also manufacture “flush free” packings for certain applications. These packings provide rapid heat dissipation and, in many cases, can run without any cooling water. Running “flush free” can eliminate flush waste, reduce fretting corrosion and may be adjusted to run leak free.
NEBCO™ offers many different styles and combinations to customize the sealing system for both the type of equipment or environment and the media being sealed.
The Lantern Ring Coil: LRC™
Our Lantern Ring Coil design lends itself to reuse, multiple times. The benefit of using a PTFE lantern ring instead of a metallic ring is no scoring or galling of the pump shaft of sleeve.
The Self-Aligning Throat Bushing: SATB®
The SATB® stabilizes the shaft and creates a tighter clearance, minimizing the possibility of product infiltration into the stuffing box. NEBCO’s™ SATB® is made from composite materials that provide durable, impact and thermally shock resistant parts that avoid contact induced problems as can occur with traditional metallic throat bushings.
The Complete NEBCO™ Sealing System:
By using our complete sealing system, you can ensure the best possible scenario for your equipment and application. The benefits include: A stable shaft, less equipment wear, lower energy costs, reduced water use and decrease equipment vibration, all while keeping leakage to a minimum.
The Typical Installation of NEBCO’s™ Sealing System used together on a flushed application is shown below. Each product is available individually, in bulk or in a complete ring set, pre-cut to size and ready to install.
*Certain styles & sizes are special order only and may be subject to minimum quantities and/or additional terms & conditions.
**For informational purposes only. New England Braiding Co., Inc. (NEBCO™) believes this information to be the best available. Any specific application you have should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitability, safety and material compatibility. No warranty is expressed or implied as each application is unique. While we have used the utmost care in the preparation of this information, we assume no liability for errors or responsibility for consequential damages resulting from the use of these products.